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Martinsfest - Wir feiern Martini

Florian Russi

Kleine Broschüre mit Texten und Liedern zum Martinstag

Laterne, Laterne ... Im dunklen Monat November hält das Martinsfest einen Lichtpunkt für uns bereit. Vor allem Kinder freuen sich weit im Voraus auf den Martinstag, um mit ihren leuchtenden Laternen durch den Ort zu ziehen. Die Hintergründe zur Geschichte des festes und den traditionellen Bräuchensind in dieser Broschüre festgehalten. Mit einer Anleitung für eine selbstgebastelte Laterne, drei leckeren Rezepten und vielen Liedern, Gedichten und Reimen ist sie ein idealer Begleiter für jedermann.

The Camel, the Goat and the Horse

The Camel, the Goat and the Horse

Deutsche Internationale Schule Abu Dhabi

Once upon a time, there was a camel, a goat, and a horse. The camel and the goat were friends. They were inseparable, they were always together and never apart. Of course, like any pair of friends they had a promise that they would never tell anyone their secrets that they had shared with each other. But all that changed when the horse came and broke their relationship apart.

The horse first greeted the camel with a smile and became very close with the camel. The horse heard from the camel that he had a friend and that was the goat. The horse got jealous so he began scaring the camel by saying that the goat will one day betray him, stop being his friend and that the goat told all of the camels’ secrets to the horse. So, the camel didn’t talk to the goat. Days, weeks and even months have passed. The goat got worried not knowing anything that has happened so he went to the camel to see what was wrong. The camel refused to talk to him so the horse told yet another lie by saying that the camel doesn’t want to be the goats’ friend anymore. The goat questioned himself and got mad because he realized he didn’t do anything wrong. The goat went to the camel yet again and asked the camel what he did wrong so the camel answered him and said that the goat told all of his secrets to the horse. The goat denied that statement and said that never in his life has he betrayed the camel.

The camel thought about the promise that they had made to each other so he gave the goat another chance. The camel wasn’t happy that the horse lied to him, so both the camel and the goat chased the horse away and told him to never come near them again.

Not everyone who greets you with a smile can be trusted.

Lujain Saad und Mariam Al Hameli, Klasse 7, Abu Dhabi



Entnommen aus: Fabula Madrasa, Halle: mdv, 2020, S.55.


Vorschaubild: Wüste Abu Dhabis, 2016, Urheber: Makalu via Pixabay CCO; Wandernde Tiere, 2012, Urheber: Clker-Free-Vector-Images via Pixabay CCO; Silhouette Kamel, 2016, Urheber: OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay CCO; Silhouette Pferd, 2017, Urheber: OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay CCO; neu bearbeitet von Carolin Eberhardt.

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